⚠️ Mixlayer is currently in open beta. Please excuse us if you encounter any issues while we get things ready.


"Prefilling" is a technique where you provide the model with some initial text to guide its completion. This can be useful if you want the answer to follow a specific format or structure or if you want to speak on behalf of the model to give it some hints about what you want it to say.


Translated List

For example, you can use prompt with the assistant role to prefill the model's answer with an exact list format that you want. This will also prevent the model from generating any "fluff" before the list.

const languages = ['English', 'Spanish', 'French'];
prompt(`How do you say "hello" in ${languages.length} languages?\n`, { role: 'user' });
for(let i=0;i<languages.length;i++) { 
    //here we prompt the model to format the list with number, a period and
    //a specific language we want it to translate to after
    prompt(`${i+1}. ${languages[i]}:`, { role: 'assistant' });
    gen({stop_at: '\n', role: 'assistant'});
How do you say "hello" in 3 languages?
1. English: Hello
2. Spanish: Hola
3. French: Bonjour