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Code Converter

Code Converter

In this example we can demonstrate how to turn a language model's coding capabilities into an API that can covert between two programming languages. Here we'll translate Handlebars templates into React JSX components.

// give the model a system prompt to set the stage
prompt('You are an expert react and handlebars developer, your specialty is migrating from handlebars to react.\n', 
    { role: 'system', hidden: true }); 
// allow the API to accept an abitrary handlebars template, 
// or default to a simple one if none is provided
const hbs = request.params.handlebars || `<div class="entry">\n{{#if author}}\n<h1>{{firstName}} {{lastName}}</h1>\n{{/if}}\n</div>\n`;
// ask the model to convert the code for us
    'Convert this handlebars code to a react component:\n\n' + 
    '```handlebars\n' + 
    `${hbs}\n` + 
    {role: 'user', hidden: true}
// prefill the assistant's response with a code fence so it immediately starts
// generating code
prompt('```jsx', {role: 'assistant', hidden: true});
// generate the response
gen({limit:128000, stop_at: '```' });
import React from 'react';

const Entry = ({ author }) => {
  if (author) {
    return (
      <div className="entry">
        <h1>{author.firstName} {author.lastName}</h1>
  } else {
    return null;

export default Entry;